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Reagents and solvents for the synthesis of oligonucleotides

Chemical product
Oligonucleotides are short sequences of DNA or RNA ( 2-75 nucleotides), composed of a nitrogenous base, a carbohydrate and a phosphate. These ‘oligos’, as they are called in the sector, are found naturally in the cells of living beings, but it is also possible to synthesize them.

Synthetic oligonucleotides have applications in the fields of molecular biology and medicine, from diagnosis to their use in drugs and therapies.

The synthesis of oligonucleotides is composed of 4 steps:

Unblocking or detritylation
Activation or coupling
The yield of oligonucleotide synthesis is directly related to the amount of water present in said synthesis; which is why it is highly recommended to use solvents and reagents with a low water content.

The Scharlau line of reagents and solvents for the synthesis of oligonucleotides is manufactured following the highest quality standards and is subjected to rigorous specialized quality control analyzes to guarantee its use. Special attention is paid to purity and the low amount of water in all products that could harm the synthesis performance.

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